ÿþIna tirelessly advocates for her kangol hat clients, mining their personal stories to better understand why they came to be arrested or convicted. She also takes great pains to ensure that clients understand what legal remedies are being employed and why. Ina is the first to admit that helping people overcome criminal record barriers sometimes means wearing multiple hats - all at the same time. Most of the time, Ina wears her attorney hat. At other times, Ina can be found wearing a career counselor, job finder, therapist, or friend hat.
Western officials decry the reckless " behavior of other nations and the unrestrained use of hat women cyber-warfare (the warfare we are told does not exist .) even while evidence mounts that they too are actively engaged in covert , low frequency offensive cyberwar acts. Though doth protest too much, me hat nike thinks. This non-existent, non-occurring cyberwar is so not happening, that the current US Administration is considering issuing an executive order to tighten up America s Cyber defenses. That s a big commitment to something that does not exist. Seems like even Washington is confused on the matter.
This is not about Geeks exploring cyberspace anymore. Nor is this just about small time criminal gangs committing credit card fraud. We are still hat for women trying to couch Information Security in Business Terms, a futile endeavor if ever I have seen one, and a misguided response to an entirely different problem: the financial upheaval and uncertainty that still haunts the world.
It is understandable that in times of financial duress and greater competitive pressure all focus is on the most pressing issue -- profitability. But the resulting mantra of Security has to enable Business has meant that we have taken a wrong path, wasted time and as a result have let the security risks get the upper hand. Whilst everyone was called to man the oars for greater speed, no one was nike hats looking out for rocks and pirates.
Events on the geopolitical stage will play a far greater role in shaping our world in the next years than globalized economics, even though it was the latter that has lead us down this path and sown the seeds for the events still to unfold. The business environment and the market will adapt, although it will be a painful process for many businesses, and many will not be able to make this transition. New opportunities, solutions and approaches will arise, as they always do when the parameters are changed and the deck is shuffled again.